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Hands up if you can could use some motivation to start exercising again this March? Maybe a friendly kick in the butt? 😝🦵
Trust me Beverly and I have these conversation between ourselves all the time especially after these covid shut downs.  We’re all creatures of habits and once routines are broken, it’s hard to get back on track again.
I don’t know if I shared this with you guys but I wasn’t an active kid – I was allergic to gym class in school always faking some time of injury or illness. I even remember hiding in the bathroom with a friend during phys ed class.

Yes it’s kind of strange that I work in the fitness industry now….

Here’s what I’ve learned over the past decade while teaching fitness, yoga AND about myself. I’m sharing these in case someone here needs to hear them this week.
1) Waiting until you’re “motivated” or have “more energy” to start exercising, then prepare to wait for a long time! Finding motivation and energy comes from doing… not sitting around waiting.
2) The same goes for “more time”. You need to make time for it the same way you make time to eat and brush your teeth.
3) Exercising for “weight loss” or “getting fit” is only enough motivation to get started. Those who continue to show up do so because of how it makes them feel.
4) Focus things you enjoy doing like going for a walk, swimming or attending a group exercise class. Preferably earlier in the day so you have less time to procrastinate or talk yourself out of it.
And if you live in the Oakville area and could use a friend or many to keep you accountable then here’s our schedule. 😉