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I’m going to make a bold statement here: following a holistic nutrition diet will be the last diet you’ll ever follow.  Not sure what holistic nutrition is?  Simply put it is focusing on real food.  It’s viewing food as fuel rather than mindless eating.  It’s eating that makes you feel energized, not bloated and tired.  It’s not a diet but rather a lifestyle.

A funny thing happens when you eat real, wholesome natural foods: you stop wasting your time counting calories or being controlled by cravings.  Cravings after all are the body’s way of telling you it’s deficient in nutrients.  Love chocolate like I do?  Cocoa is high in magnesium, a very important mineral responsible for several bodily functions, so your body is tell it needs foods with magnesium.  That candy bar at the checkout counter has very little cocoa in it that’s why it’s easy to eat the entire thing.  If you instead reach for chocolate that’s at least 50% cocoa and you’ll notice that you will be satisfied with only one or two squares.

People who follow at real foods diet notice there clothing starts to fit better (or even shrink a size or two), headaches are less frequent or gone all together, have glowing skin (adult acne finally clears up) and digestive issues clear up.  Going through menopause?  You would be shocked how much diet plays a determinate in hot flashes.  You heard the expression “You are what you eat”… and I rather be a colourful nutrition dense salad than a stale synthetic donut.

Holistic nutrition is real food… things that grow on trees, bushes or coming from the soil.  If it’s in a package the package reads only a handful of ingredients and all things you can pronounce.  Organic when possible, local grown when in season.  Holistic nutrition does focus on a plant-based diet but you don’t have to give up meats and other animal products if you don’t want to.  It’s the commonsense diet which is why I say it will be the last diet you’ll ever follow.

But I hate salad. I’ll never be healthy because I hate salad.

That’s where I come in.  As a registered holistic nutrition my job is to guide you and educate you on how to eat to live.  There are many ways to eat healthy without eating salads. I’m here to help you by providing you lots of amazing articles on my website on healthy eating and setting realistic goals.  If you are wanting to make changes to your life to be a happier, healthier and live with a lot less pain you have come to the right place.  Some people are successful in making big changes all at once but most people are not.  My advice is to start small, slowly incorporate change into your diet.  Most people achieve long-term success by breaking things down into smaller goals.

I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life and I’m really lousy at dieting because I hate depriving myself.  We are in this together.  I’m not perfect: my vices are dark chocolate almonds (too many!), red wine and my dad’s cooking (hello lasagnas and gourmet pizzas!).  You can also follow me on social media where I post interesting articles or motivational ideas.  And I’m hear for you if you have any questions. Please feel free to reach out to me via my contact page.

In the really near future I hope to offer one-on-one consultants so be on the lookout!