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Why does balance get harder as we get older?

Why does balance get harder as we get older?

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked how they could improve their balance, I’d be rich. 🤑🤑 Balance exercises are my most popular request in class, yet everyone dreads doing them. . So why does balance get HARDER as we get older? . Let’s blame our...
Friday morning yoga classes for seniors.

Friday morning yoga classes for seniors.

Come join us Friday mornings @ 9:30am for RISE + SHINE YOGA! . This yoga for seniors class is a perfect way to start you Friday and I great way to help you physically and mentally transition into the weekend. . What makes this class unique from other yoga classes is...
January Virtual Yoga of Seniors Schedule

January Virtual Yoga of Seniors Schedule

I’m disappointed to be once again in this situation in Ontario – our gyms and fitness centres are closed.  January is the most popular time of year for this industry and those who exercise regularly do so not only for their physical health, but mental too....
What you need to ask before signing up for a YTT program.

What you need to ask before signing up for a YTT program.

So you want to be a yoga teacher!  Amazing!  Maybe you already have a program in mind you want to attend or not sure what to look for. The following post will cover some very important questions to ask before signing up. If you aren’t familiar with the lingo let...