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What you need to ask before signing up for a YTT program.

What you need to ask before signing up for a YTT program.

So you want to be a yoga teacher!  Amazing!  Maybe you already have a program in mind you want to attend or not sure what to look for. The following post will cover some very important questions to ask before signing up. If you aren’t familiar with the lingo let...
Maple Grove seniors fitness classes wrap-up 2019.

Maple Grove seniors fitness classes wrap-up 2019.

I wanted to give you guys a behind the scenes look at seniors fitness classes at Maple Grove United Church.  We just wrapped up our 2018-2019 year (classes run from September to June) and we go on the hiatus over the summer.  With the exception of the Chair Yoga class...
International Women’s Day at Cogeco

International Women’s Day at Cogeco

I got asked to take part in International Women’s Day at Cogeco’s head office in Burlington and I could have been more excited! The great people at Cogeco asked me to come and teach chair yoga in their newly renovated employee lounge.  They asked me to run...
The misconceptions of yoga.

The misconceptions of yoga.

There are so many rumours and misconceptions of yoga.  This one is the biggest.  If I had a dollar for every time I heard the following (I would own my own private island in the Caribbean): Yoga isn’t for me because I’m not flexible. Other common misconceptions of...