Sep 22, 2017 | Around Town, Nutrition
Once a year The Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) hosts their annual conference downtown Toronto. It’s a chance to connect with others in the industry and see what’s what in health. I refer to CHFA conference as my Christmas because of all the freebies! It is...
Sep 13, 2017 | Fitness, Lifestyle
I had the opportunity to test out one of the most popular natural joint pain remedies recently. There are so many on the market so how do you know which ones work? Or if they work at all? Joint pain and stiffness can be quite crippling. It’s the number one thing my...
Aug 23, 2017 | Fitness, yoga
I’m not here to convince you why we need to exercise on a weekly, if not daily basis. Most of us are already quite aware of the benefits of exercise. The secret to success is to find an exercise routine you love because you are more likely to stick to it. But the...
Aug 4, 2017 | Lifestyle, Nutrition
Take a look of the picture on your right, what do you see? That is 5 pounds of fat verses 5 pounds of muscle. You might have read that muscle weights more than fat but do we really know what that means? You need to read this if you are someone that weights...