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Getting over the fear of having my picture taken.

Getting over the fear of having my picture taken.

I finally caved and had my pictures taken for this website and social media.  Sure obviously I have had my picture taken before but I generally cringe at the idea.  I just find it so unnatural to take posed pictures and having my picture taken really takes me out of...
My weekend at CHFA East.

My weekend at CHFA East.

Once a year The Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) hosts their annual conference downtown Toronto.  It’s a chance to connect with others in the industry and see what’s what in health.  I refer to CHFA conference as my Christmas because of all the freebies! It is...
Natural joint pain remedies.

Natural joint pain remedies.

I had the opportunity to test out one of the most popular natural joint pain remedies recently.  There are so many on the market so how do you know which ones work?  Or if they work at all? Joint pain and stiffness can be quite crippling.  It’s the number one thing my...
Dark chocolate versus milk chocolate.

Dark chocolate versus milk chocolate.

There are a lot of things I can live without ever eating again.  Chocolate is definitely not one of them.  In fact it’s a big deal if I go more than one day without consuming something containing chocolate.  I use to beat myself over my sweet tooth but I have learned...
It is time to ditch the scale.

It is time to ditch the scale.

Take a look of the picture on your right, what do you see?  That is 5 pounds of fat verses 5 pounds of muscle.  You might have read that muscle weights more than fat but do we really know what that means? You need to read this if you are someone that weights...
My visit to Cherry Avenue Farms.

My visit to Cherry Avenue Farms.

I went cherry picking for the first time in my life this past weekend.  Have you been?  I did a lot of apple and strawberry picking as a child but never cherry picking.  You cannot get any fresher than picking your own produce so off we went to Cherry Avenue...